FitGenes Health & Wellbeing Genetic Profile Report

Genetic profiling offers unique insight into how your body responds to diet, exercise and lifestyle choices. A FitGenes Health & Wellbeing genetic profile report is based on the science of nutrigenomics, which considers the interaction between your genes,...

23andMe Conversion

Do you have a 23andMe profile but don’t know what to make of the results?  The data from your profile can be imported into the FitGenes software to provide an in-depth analysis of the genetic variations that influence the way your body responds to what you eat, how...

Carb Choice

FitGenes has developed Carb Choice, a personalised genetic profile report based on your salivary amylase, AMY 1 gene, which determines how well you break down and tolerate starch from carbohydrates. This has a knock-on effect on many areas of health, so by...

Intolerance & Allergy Testing

Food and chemical sensitivities trigger inflammation and can be an underlying cause of symptoms such as skin rashes, fatigue, migraines, neurological disorders, bloating and other types of gastrointestinal discomfort. Intolerance testing can be challenging, as there...

Comprehensive Thyroid Profile

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is one of the most undiagnosed or misdiagnosed health problems.  TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is the medical gold standard for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction. Unfortunately, TSH alone does not provide a...

Methylation Profile

The methylation cycle is a biochemical pathway that manages or contributes to a wide range of biochemical functions including detoxification, supporting DNA (turning genes on and off), producing energy, reducing inflammation and synthesising neurotransmitters (brain...