Delve Deeper 

Nutrition Blog

Versatile quinoa – perfect Peruvian protein

Versatile quinoa – perfect Peruvian protein

Barbecue season is upon us and when entertaining at home, or if asked to bring a salad, my regular offering is this delicious quinoa salad with spinach, red pepper and feta.  Quinoa (pronounced ‘keen-wah’) was a staple food of the Incas and is still grown in South...

Indigestion: excess or deficiency of stomach acid?

Indigestion: excess or deficiency of stomach acid?

Christmas parties have already started, with over-consumption of rich food and alcohol proving problematic for many.  However, even a healthy diet can cause symptoms of indigestion, if stomach acid is depleted. Did you know that as you age, your levels of stomach acid...

Managing migraine

Managing migraine

Various theories exist as to the processes or mechanisms that may drive migraines:  involving brain chemicals, blood vessels and the nervous system and it is likely to be a combination of factors, specific to each patient. ‘Migraines are commonly linked to food...

Clean Eating Challenge

Clean Eating Challenge

I challenged some friends to join me in undertaking ‘Clean Eating July:’ a month of eating solely wholesome foods, focusing on vegetable-laden, antioxidant-packed and protein-rich meals, while avoiding gluten and dairy products, sugar (including dried fruit), caffeine...